» » Tejido vs. Bolsas de polipropileno no tejido: ¿cuál es la diferencia?

Tejido vs. Bolsas de polipropileno no tejido: ¿cuál es la diferencia?

Las bolsas reutilizables están de moda hoy en día, con una mezcla heterogénea de opciones elaboradas con materiales ecológicos como papel, fibras naturales como el algodón e incluso un plástico versátil llamado polipropileno. Este plástico es un multiuso y se utiliza en todo, desde loncheras hasta, como habrás adivinado, ¡bolsas!

At Neway Textile, we offer two types of polypropylene bags: non-woven PP and woven PP. While they might seem like twins at first glance, they’ve got some differences that set them apart.

So, what’s the lowdown on woven PP versus non-woven PP bags?

Both non-woven and woven polypropylene bags are made from the same plastic resin, but they’re like siblings with different personalities.

Woven polypropylene is like the strong, silent type. It’s made from polypropylene plastic threads woven together, creating a tough material that’s flexible and strong. It’s like the bodybuilder of the bag world, able to carry heavy loads without breaking a sweat. That’s why you’ll often see these bags being used for parcel collections or for carrying heavy items.

On the other hand, non-woven polypropylene bags are the innovative, eco-friendly sibling. Instead of being woven, the fibers are bonded together using heat and pressure. They’re still durable, but they’re a bit lighter on their feet, making them perfect for everyday use.

Both types of PP bags are 100% recyclable, making them a great choice for the environmentally conscious. They’re just one step away from the top of the Greenpeace pyramid of plastics. Plus, they come with a bonus feature: they’re waterproof when finished with a laminated film, keeping your belongings safe from any unexpected rain showers.

Nuestras bolsas impresas de PP no tejido y PP tejido vienen en un arco iris de colores y se pueden teñir para combinar con su estilo o su marca. Su diseño se puede imprimir en toda la superficie de la bolsa mientras realizamos la impresión inversa sobre una laminación mate o brillante.

For more info, or to chat about your eco-friendly bag needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team. We’re here to help you find the perfect bag for your needs!

Categorías: Guía del comprador