» » » Bolsas térmicas de papel Tyvek Washabe NW-KP006

Bolsas térmicas de papel Tyvek Washabe NW-KP006

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If you’ve ever thought about owning a luncheon purse whose practicality outshines your needs while still flaunting an eco-conscious element? Look no further than our Tyvek Insulated Lunch Bag – crafted from robust sustainable materials and blending contemporary style with unprecedented adaptability. Here are features that make it impressive.

Beneficios de nuestra bolsa de transporte con aislamiento Tyvek

Fiabilidad y adaptación

We relied on DuPont Tyvek paper during manufacturing – an extremely robust material renowned for its agile nature. This served to create a lunch carrier that’s incredibly durable and versatile, fitting for different uses: from office breaks to outdoor expeditions.

Respetuoso del medio ambiente

As a company, Totebagsupplier is committed to producing sustainable products. Our Tyvek lunch bag is no exception. It’s reusable, cutting down on the amount of waste generated by single-use bags. But that’s not all! Tyvek is also recyclable, meaning when the bag has reached the end of its life, it won’t end up in a landfill.


Ever had your lunch go cold before you could eat it? With our Tyvek lunch bag, that’s a problem of the past. The bag is insulated, ensuring your food stays warm (or cool) until you’re ready to eat.


Accidents happen, and lunch bags can get dirty. Thankfully, our Tyvek lunch bag is washable. So, if you spill something inside it, you can simply give it a wash and it’ll be as good as new.

Otras características destacadas

  • Diseño de alta gama: Who said lunch bags have to be boring? Our Tyvek lunch bag sports a modern, high-end design that’s sure to turn heads.
  • Portátil: El bolso es liviano y fácil de transportar, perfecto para personas que están en movimiento.
  • personalizable: Want a lunch bag that stands out from the crowd? We’ve got you covered. The bag can be customized to suit your personal style.

As if that wasn’t enough, we also offer a variety of other bag options, such as Bolsas de algodón, Bolsas no tejidas, Bolsas Laminadas, y Bolsas de poliéster. Entonces, ¿por qué esperar? ¡Echa un vistazo a nuestra colección y encuentra el bolso perfecto para tus necesidades hoy!

Phew! So, there you have it, folks. Our Tyvek Insulated Lunch Bag is not just a lunch bag; it’s a statement. It says you care about the environment, you value practicality, and you’re not afraid to show off your style. So why not give it a try? After all, it’s not just a lunch bag; it’s a lifestyle choice. Yikes, did I just say that? Well, I guess I did! So, what are you waiting for? Head over to our sitio web and get your very own Tyvek Insulated Lunch Bag today. Trust me; you won’t regret it!

Bolsa de papel pequeña: las medidas de la bolsa de almuerzo de papel marrón satisfacen sus necesidades diarias de guardar un recipiente para el almuerzo, una botella de agua y algunas frutas y refrigerios.

Descripción Bolsa de papel lavable Tyvek Cantidad mínima de pedido 500 Uds.
Material Tyvek Color de la tela tarjeta PMS
Impresión Pantalla de seda Paquete de transporte Bolsa de polietileno y cartón
Piezas de repuesto Remache de metal, velcro, botón, cremallera, bolsillo interior, forro, etiqueta de cincha, etiqueta colgante tiempo de muestra 5-7 días
Tela disponible Papel Tyvek, papel kraft, papel. El tiempo de entrega 20-30 días