» » » Bolsas de plástico biodegradables NW-BP006

Bolsas de plástico biodegradables NW-BP006

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¿Está buscando un bolso confiable, elegante y ecológico? ¡No busque más! En Proveedor de bolsas de mano, we’ve got you covered. Not only do we provide a wide array of bags, but our standout product is the Kraft Paper Laminated Woven Bag. It’s durable, customizable, and most importantly, sustainable. Let’s dive into the details and discover why our bags are the perfect choice for you.

Calidad y durabilidad excepcionales

Our laminated woven bags are designed with your needs in mind. The lamination process involves bonding a layer of high-quality PP/PE Kraft paper to a woven fabric, resulting in a bag that is both sturdy and stylish. Here’s why you should choose our Kraft Paper Laminated Woven Bag:

  • Durability: Made with polypropylene (PP) woven fabric, our bags are known for their strength and resilience. Whether you’re carrying heavy groceries or using it as a bolsa de playa, our bags won’t let you down.
  • Eco-Friendly: By choosing our Kraft Paper Laminated Woven Bag, you’re making an environmentally friendly choice. Our Las bolsas son reutilizables y reciclables., reduciendo la necesidad de bolsas de plástico de un solo uso.

Versatilidad y personalización

At Totebagsupplier, we understand that everyone has unique needs and style preferences. That’s why our bags are customizable and versatile, perfect for any occasion.

  • Customizable Designs: Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a vibrant pattern, we can customize our bags to suit your style. Just let us know your preferences, and we’ll do the rest.
  • Versatility: Our Kraft Paper Laminated Woven Bag isn’t just for shopping. You can use it as a beach bag, a tote for your gym essentials, or even as a stylish accessory for your outfit.

Explorar más productos

Además de nuestra destacada bolsa tejida laminada con papel Kraft, ofrecemos una variedad de otros productos que podrían interesarle. Por ejemplo, consulte nuestras colecciones de Bolsas de algodón, Bolsas no tejidas, Bolsas Laminadas, y Bolsas de poliéster.

La promesa del proveedor de Totebags

Choosing Totebagsupplier isn’t just about buying a bag; it’s about making a lifestyle choice. We’re committed to providing high-quality, eco-friendly products that add value to your life and help protect the environment. So, why wait? Explore our site and find the perfect bag for your needs today!

Phew! Well, there you have it, folks. If you’re still reading this, you must really need a new bag. Heaven forbid you continue using those flimsy plastic bags. So, why not treat yourself to one of our sturdy, stylish, and eco-friendly bags? After all, you deserve it, don’t you?

Yikes! Did I just say that? Well, I guess I did! So, there you have it, folks. If you’re still reading this, gee, you must really be into bags. And if that’s the case, why not browse our almacenar y regálate un bolso nuevo.

At ToteBagSupplier, we understand the importance of sustainability and are proud to offer our Biodegradable Plastic Bags NW-BP006. These bags are made from biodegradable materials that break down quickly, reducing the impact on the environment. They are also strong and durable, making them perfect for everyday use. Whether you’re using them for shopping, carrying your lunch to work, or as a gift bag, our Biodegradable Plastic Bags NW-BP006 are a versatile and sustainable solution.

Además de nuestras Bolsas de Plástico Biodegradables, también ofrecemos una amplia gama de otros productos sostenibles como Bolsas de algodón, Saco de lona, Bolsas de red de algodón, Bolsas biodegradables, Productos de fieltro, Bolsas de papel, y más.

Descripción Bolsa biodegradable Cantidad mínima de pedido 10000PCS
Material PBAT+PLA+carbonato de calcio Color de la tela tarjeta PMS
Impresión Impresión en huecograbado Paquete de transporte Caja de cartón
Límite de peso 5-10 kg tiempo de muestra 5-7 días
Forma de bolsa disponible Bolsa que rompe el DOT/Bolsa de correo/Bolsa de basura con cordón/Delantal/
Bolsa plana/Bolsa de caca/Bolsa de ventanilla/Bolsa troquelada/Bolsa de basura plegada en ocho/
Bolsa de pie
El tiempo de entrega 20-30 días
Personalizado OEM y ODM son bienvenidos